How Rental Data Is Relational And Why It Matters To You

Relational = the way in which two or more people or things are connected.

For Example:

You own a property, the property has units, the units have tenants, the tenants and the units have leases, the leases have dates.

An owner (you or your business), a property, a unit, and a lease can all have expenses. You can track all of those expenses by what it is most closely related to, but then it becomes hard when you want to traverse the relationships to know the total expenses for a property or an owner.

A Simple Relationship Diagram

Add in Projects, Labor, Miles, Bills, Contractors, Capital Expenditures, and more to the diagram above and you quickly have a pretty complex set of relationships.

Broken Relationships

What do most people do? They put this data in different systems; expenses into some accounting software, leases into a file store, tenants into your phone's contact list, properties into a spreadsheet, and owners on paperwork in your file cabinet. Now it's even a bigger disjointed mess. This is why it's so hard to keep good records and find them when you need them.

GovernRent tackles this problem by giving you one place to keep all your data, link it all together, and make sense of it for you.

GovernRent's Transaction Widget For a Property

Being able to quickly and easily navigate all of your data in one system makes it super fast to find what you need. You navigate to what you know (the person or the unit, for example) then use the lists and related links to quickly find what you don't know. It's kind of hard to explain but once you use it you'll fall in love with it.

Tracking expenses down to the Lease (like pest control for a tenant) let's you know what money went in and out during a lease period. Without GovernRent it would be very hard to track expenses at that level and still quickly be able to know the totals for the unit, property, and owner. GovernRent makes it easy.

This video will walk you through how GovernRent can do this for you:
